Recent Publications
Wang, Z., Jha, K., and Xiao, S. (2024). Continual reinforcement learning for intelligent agricultural management under climate changes,” Computers, Materials & Continua, 81(1), 1319-1336.
Chen, Y. B., Deierling, P., Xiao, S. (2024). Exploring active learning strategies for predictive models in mechanics of materials. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Engineering, 130, 588.
Li, J., Cai, M., Kan, Z., and Xiao, S (2024), "Model-free reinforcement learning for motion planning of autonomous agents with complex tasks in partially observable environments. Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems 38, 14
Li, J., Cai, M., and Xiao, S. (2024). Reinforcement learning-based motion planning in partially observable environments under ethical constraints. AI and Ethics.
Gurbuz, F., Mudireddy, A., Mantilla, R., and Xiao, S. (2023). Using a physics-based hydrological model and storm transposition to investigate machine-learning algorithms for streamflow prediction. Journal of Hydrology 628, 130504.
Li, J., Cai, M., Wang, Z., & Xiao, S. (2023). Model-based motion planning in POMDPs with temporal logic specifications. Advanced Robotics 37 (14), 871-886.
Cai, M., Xiao, S., Li, J., & Kan, Z. (2023). Safe reinforcement learning under temporal logic with reward design and quantum action selection. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 1925.
El Tuhami, A., & Xiao, S. (2022). Multiscale modeling of metal-ceramic spatially tailored materials via Gaussian process tegression and peridynamics. International Journal of Computational Methods 19 (10), 2250025.
Attarian, S., & Xiao, S. (2022). Investigating the strength of Ti/TiB interfaces at multiple scales using density functional theory, molecular dynamics, and cohesive zone modeling. Ceramics International 48 (22), 33185-33199.
Motezaker, M., Xiao, S., Khoei, A. R., & Zakeri, J. A. (2022). Studies of frictional sliding contact by molecular dynamics assisted continuum mechanics. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-12.
Zhu, Y., Cai, M., Schwarz, C. W., Li, J., & Xiao, S. (2022). Intelligent traffic light via policy-based deep reinforcement learning. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, 1-11.